
Stop Repeating - Stop Repeating - Stop Repeating - Stop Repeating - 

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Be a part of the solution not part of the pollution

The pollution dilemma has been a hot topic ever since the industrial era. We are falling behind in tackling this problem. Nowadays the air pollution issue in China is becoming increasingly worse, which undermines our living standards and health.

This piece draws the parallel line between the great London smog of 1952 and the air pollution happening in China today. Hopefully, by watching this work, people can reflect on what they have done to our planet and learn the lesson from the past.

Director & Motion Designer

Challenges & Approach

Visual and content illuminate

It was challenging to find the ideal form to present this subject matter. I am glad the similarity between the Chinese ink arts and air pollution is perfectly applied to this project. Mixing with various visual materials, such as stylized photos, video clips and drawings renders a compelling story that needs everybody’s attention. I firmly believe individual effort can greatly contribute to environmental protection.

Special thanks to Peter McKerrow, an associate lecturer at the University of Arts London, who created this evocative sound piece for my short film.

Behined the scenes, London UK, 2014

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