
Starbucks Coffee Animation - Starbucks Coffee Animation -


The charm of the motion

This project aims to visually tell a vivid story of how a young professional has transformed themselves at Starbucks. The project not only acts as the main campaign for recruiting young talents with the company, but also increases the friendly brand image in the public.

Role: Motion Designer, Co-Illustrator
Client: Startbucks
Tools: Adobe Suites
Time frame: 2019 March - 2019 May

Challenges & Approach

A colorful coffee wonderland for all

Based on the client’s brief that highlights the fun and rewarding working environment at Starbucks Coffee, we created a main character (persona). Alongside his growth in the company through motion pictures, a unique Starbucks working journey is represented in front of viewers. The combination of engaging story telling and visuals draws the target audience into a world they can relate to.

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