
Gather/Scatter - Gather/Scatter - Gather/Scatter - Gather/Scatter - 

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A multisensory experience in
eastern culture

Thesis solo exhibition,
Anna Leonowens Gallery,
Halifax, NS

Selected to exhibit in Digital Carnival 2019,
Richmond World Festival, Richmond, BC

This project utilizes holographic technology to create an all-directional and multisensory experience, to reflect on the fast-changing material world. The four faces of the hologram correspond with the Chinese symbolic space, commonly known as Fengshui (simplified Chinese: 风水). Walking around this holographic installation, viewers will experience shifting abstract characters (Yuan, simplified Chinese:缘)and images of hands interacting with each other as well as nature.

The installation brings the viewer’s reflections on the impermanence of the world and the contemplation of life.


Challenges & Approach

Push the limits, a new way of telling stories

I started learning arts (drawing and painting) when I was young. During my study journey, I have been pushing my limits and stepping out of my comfort zone. This ambitious project is the representation of my new explorations both conceptually and technically.

We as human beings live in a three-dimensional space. I am fascinated by how viewers can interact with the work within the space, which they can’t experience in front of a digital screen. This work involves multiple sensory engagements: vision(holographic moving images), active touch(round rug & curtain), taste (tea scent), and sound (Guzheng and human voices).

Special Thanks to:
Guzheng player: Lin Shan
Woodwork assistant: Louis-Charles Dionne
Plastic Technician:  Donnie Thompson
Install assistant: Zamille Calque, Zehua, Suize Cochrane, Louis -Charles

Visual process,  Halifax CA, 2017

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