
Product Redesign - Meditation App - Product Redesign - Meditation App - 

Overview & problems

Qualitative data reflects business problem & users goals

This meditation app is designed to help people live a better life through daily meditation practice. In the past 12 years, it has improved thousands of users’ well-being worldwide.

55% of our users do not play the meditation after clicking on it and so we want to solve this problem by allowing them faster access to playing the content and increase the retention.

User goals:
  • Access content faster
  • Easily access content information and be able to customize playback options in the player
  • A more user-friendly and pleasant player to use

My role: Product Designer
Engineers: Jordan, Kyle 
Tools: Figjam, Zoom, Figma, Adobe Suites
Time frame: 2022 May - 2022 July


Unraveling the hidden insights of the user experience

Key Findings from User Research & Design Audit:

  • Uncommon Design Patterns: Users often confuse the round shape of the player progress control with volume control. Additionally, navigating with the drag-forward and rewind features is more challenging compared to a linear progress control.

  • Unclear Copy : The titles "begin here" and "Start your Journey" appearing on the same page do not provide users with clear direction.

  • Flow Problems: Prior to entering the meditation page, there are an excessive number of playback options. Following Hick's Law, providing too many choices can lead to longer decision-making times.

  • Simplifying the Process: There is no need for a confirmation when using the close (X) button. Its location at the top right corner of the screen reduces the chances of accidental activation by users.

User Journey Mapping


Prioritizing the playback options with a user-centered process

The first step was to revisit the identified user personas and map out the user journey. To validate the user journey improvements, we reviewed the competitive analysis report to align our changes.

Key findings:

  • User pain point: How can we allow users to explore other meditations within the player?

  • The timer and download options are the most frequently used, based on user journey mapping and feedback.

  • The mini player is a great way to let user explore other meditation stories while listening the current story.

  • Meditation mode can be an excellent idea to help people focus on meditation and reduce distractions.

Final Results & Next Steps:

Evolving through Iterative improvements and elevated SUS score


SUS Score Improvement: The System Usability Scale (SUS) score saw a remarkable increase of 31% with the user testing. This indicates a significant improvement in the overall user experience and app usability.

  1. Faster Meditation Access: The redesign successfully combined two pages related to meditation, resulting in faster and smoother access to meditation content.

  2. Simplified Playback Options: Playback options within the player were simplified, with essential actions placed prominently.

  3. Engaging and interactive Player Page: The vinyle motion design enhancement ensures that users not only find the app useful but also derive pleasure from the meditation experience.

Next Steps:

  1. Beta Testing and Feedback: Launch the redesigned app on a small scale to a select group of users for beta testing. Gather feedback and insights to identify any remaining issues or areas for improvement.

  2. Performance Monitoring and Analytics: Implement analytics to track user behavior, engagement metrics, and retention rates. Monitor the app's performance over time to assess its impact on user retention and satisfaction.

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